Firesticks (Euphorbia tirucalli)
Euphorbia tirucalli seems to be a plant many love to hate, so here I am to explain why anyone would want to grow such a potentially dangerous plant!
Dutchman’s Pipe
Dutchman’s pipe has become a declared weed in the Eastern coast of Australia, so what do you need to know about it?
Pigeon Peas
Pigeon Peas are often mentioned as an ideal plant to have in a food forest, but why? What benefits can a pigeon pea bring to your edible garden?
Turtle Vine
Are you looking for a hardy succulent for an Indoor plant? Turtle Vine may just be what you’ve been looking for
9 Organic Processing Techniques
Don’t have the room for a compost bin or find them too hard to maintain? There may be other alternatives that will suit you better!
What is that bee like critter that just seems to hover over flowers?! Likely it’s a Hoverfly!
8 Heatwave Gardening Tips
Garden feeling the heat? Read on for ways to help it survive heat waves
Curl Grubs
Most gardeners have come across a curl grub in their time. Most will happily feed every last one of them to the birds, but should we be eradicating them from our gardens?
Plain Pumpkin Beetles
Have you spotted these orange bugs on your pumpkins? What are they? What damage do they do?